Sunday, December 6, 2015


I can't believe it is already December! In just a blink of an eye it will be Christmas. I am sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. I have been busy with school and studying right now it is final times and I have 3 finals next week. So I need lots of prayer! I'm excited/sad about going home next week because I'm going to miss school and my new friends, but I miss my family even more. Plus I just need a break after all this studying for finals. I've had an amazing time at school and meet a ton of interesting people. I'm so happy I made the decision  to come to Sam Houston! I didn't really start enjoying school until I started being more open minded about making new friends because I was so use to my set of friends back home. Also I started attending more events on campus! It is the best way to get connected with everyone on campus. I'm so proud of myself for completing my first semester of college. I can't wait to kick spring semester but!!      
                                           - Jaidyn

Here is a recap of my first semester:
           - I just want to thank everyone in these pictures with out you guys I probably would have been sleep in my room all semester (:

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