Thursday, September 17, 2015


WARNING: Before you start reading this you might want to grab your craft box and prepare to DIY your day away!!
    Do you ever see a good DIY or craft while browsing on Pinterest or social media. You really  want to make them, but never have time to? Well here's a really simple fix where you'll never forget a great DIY ever again. Start a #CraftNight and write it down! Start carrying a small cute journal with all your ideas in them. It will make your life SOOO much easier. Also don't be afraid to save pictures and send your ideas to your craft buddy. I would also suggest finding someone with the same passion for crafting as you and start a #CraftNight with them. Me and my best friend Zakiya both adore making crafts as much as the next girl, but sometimes we found it difficult finding time to actually make things with our busy schedules. It got to the point where we both were riding around town with our craft boxes in the trunk of our cars ready to craft at any second. Eventually we grew weary and tired of waiting to find time to craft together, we were just ready to let our creative juices flow. So we created #CraftNight. Every two weeks around payday we would get together and craft our hearts out. We had a #CraftNight leading up until the day we went our separate ways and went to college. We both where moving into our first apartment, so majority of these crafts revolve around home décor. We both love DIYs and we figured, why don't we actually make these crafts useful and make things we actually need to make our apartments feel more like home. So here are some cute DIYs that can turn any room in your home chic and trendy.



       When it comes to home décor DIYs spray paint is your savior! Its the cheapest and cost efficient way you can update something you already have, like the picture frames below that I already had but didn't really like the color.

  Fake Flowers

     Fake flowers from the Dollar Tree or Walmart is the best way to add some color to any room and is still very affordable. Plus you can always change them whenever the season changes or when you simply thinks its time for a color change.

                                  Mason Jars   

         Mason Jars is another cute little décor item that could be used just about anywhere in your home. From you kitchen to your desk or just something to hold your pens and pencils. You can also customize them stickers, glitter, and of course spray paint!

Wall Canvases

Wall canvases is the best way to add a pop of color and originality in any room.  
I got this chalk board/cork board from Targets dollar section.
It was $3 and I just added the fake flowers around the edges and
bough a chalkboard marker from Hobby Lobby to write
"Dorm Sweet Dorm"



                                               Vases will bring some height and interest factor too any coffee table or side table.

The elephants are from the toy section from
Walmart and they where a $1 a piece. The vases
rocks, moss, and succulents where all from the 
Dollar Tree. It cost about $7 to make the two big
ones and one little one.

 I hope any of these DIYs give you some inspiration to make something for your home, and maybe we'll have an apartment tour up next (:


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